Friday, February 21, 2014

How to Learn Forex Trading And Mastering ( Part 2 )

7:03 PM

Here is the level of the material you need to learn forex . To get maximum knowledge follow the order and try not to learn new material before you master what you learn . How to learn and master the forex trading section 2 :

Material 9 : Knowing To Reference Sources and resouce . 
To support learning forex analysis , you need an additional reference sources . Here's a site / link that you can make reference .

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Berisi ribuan artikel yg dibuat oleh team penulis SF, dengan kategori yg beragam: psikologis, indikator, fundamental, ekonomi makro, tips, dan artikel forex umum lainnya.
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Kumpulan analisa-analisa teknikal harian, mingguan, dan tabel indikator teknikal.
Analisa Fundamental
Analisa oleh team SeputarForex tentang kondisi pasar forex secara fundamental.

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Portal Forex

Material 10 : How Outcome Demo Account ?
Currently you are able to measure the performance of your trading through a demo account . Statistical data that your result is positive or negative is the mirror of your forex learning outcomes at the Campus of FOREX .

You are already one step towards the success of forex . Difficult ? Sure , but you can profit . That could be a positive sign . The more you are proficient , positive results will follow.

Material 11 : Important Points , Trading Psychology .
There were significant correlations are strongly associated with the percentage of success in forex : forex master self-control means . You can not blame forex in case of outside expectations and interpretations . The more you are wise to master the conditions , the better course of your forex portfolio . Aware of his own mistakes and the sooner seek solutions including positive action salama trading . New opportunities will continue to emerge , so get rid of your worries if you can not take chances on the market at any given moment . Keep your focus on management . Please read right articles about trading psychology .

Material 12 : Important Points , Money Management
In the psychology of trading there are negative things that have a negative impact on your trading conditions namely : greed , revenge , unsure , wavering , selfish , timid , and more . If you are sure the master trading plan that has been drafted will fall apart . It all ends on your trading capital resilience is increasingly depleted and chaotic . So now you have to learn about money management article . It is very sensitive and crucial , so you try to study it carefully .

Material 13 : Important Points , Forex Trading = Business
Forex business / investment dynamic . Sometimes the condition goes up, down . So you as a trader should undertake the development , innovation , research and evaluation on a regular basis . You do not need to worry if there are successful traders trading while you will lose the time. This is called trading dynamics . At that point you have to do is review and refine your trading strategy . A trader even have got consistent results still continue to learn . Due to necessity forex trading that is identical to the real business . Increasing knowledge of your market , profit will accompany . Wise yourself into a world trader .

Material 14 : Secrets of Personal Trading Systems
Now you have to understand the most basic analysis , methods, strategies , and some key points . Time you make a trading system itself . System is a very special , unique , and fits your trading as a weapon . You can do a combination of several trading systems , indicators , and specific parameters . Creating a trading system takes creativity and accuracy . System is that you create a mirror of your trading style , your emotions , your defense , and your management . If you need to compare your trading system with the system of the master traders . Then you test , it could be yours better and more accurate .

Material 15 : Why I'm still going nowhere ? The performance earned my demo account .
Just relax . It does not mean what you seek in vain . You also do not quickly menjastis failed system that you create . Try closing first of all , relaxing , and refreshing . You train hard every day ( 24h ) , of endurance , stamina , your focus is definitely reduced . Chaotic brain and your emotions . There are times when a trader on vacation , relaxing with loved ones .

Material 16 : Process Creation Trading System .
If it is found that your system is very weak adapt to the market . Immediately doing improvisation and refinement . Take enough time to perfect it. The bottom line : Increasing Knowledge + Self-Mastery Intensive Exercise equals + Trading System .

Material 17 : Finally , the 6-12 month my demo account and consistent profit
At some point you will see your hard work come true . Your demo account gained satisfactory . Congratulations , this is a remarkable achievement . But you should not be complacent. You have not fully become a successful trader . Correct the error that had been there . Maintain what you have accomplished . If within 3-12 demo account that you manage a consistent profit . Time for your real trading .

Material 18 : you are trading in a real account now .
Some important points here :
  • No risk demo account , real money account you can actually disappear . So there will be a psychological effect that could mess . Obviously now you are more emotional , fear , and so forth . It can make you do not follow the trading system that you have previously created . Watch out for this and prepare .
  • You need to learn about forex brokers , please read the article about forex brokers in this section .

Material 19 to Unlimited : Thanks , and Back to You .
Now the world of trading to be unlimited . You 've crossed the bridge to the world of trading through the material above . Back to you . In the real position trader you must have understood what to do and what to avoid . Congratulations on becoming a trader .

This article was made as best we could with the limitations , may be able to give a more correct direction . There are no guarantees with this article you become a successful trader . All were returned to the private individual . How big are you willing to sacrifice , for that you will get . Essentially Campus of FOREX is that you write faster in learning , that's our expectation .

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We love the world of forex. Sharing information about forex is our way of showing happiness. Therefore we made ​​a "Campus of FOREX" as a portal to learn forex.

Forex is not something to fear, but fear when you are not able to control yourself in the forex or whatever. When profit in forex it becomes your personal responsibility, and when you lose in forex it also becomes your personal responsibility. Forex simply as a facility to achieve financial freedom, no more no less. Forex is a place to think realistically.

Being successful in forex, it means you are committed to establish a disciplined and thoughtful character. Forex may be the best mirror of your true character. Forex is just forex.

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