Monday, March 10, 2014

Dictionary Forex Trading

3:58 AM

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Forex has many important terms whether it's a foreign word or phrase is heard , especially for a beginner . Here I will explain some of the terms that we do not know a whole in the forex business .
  • Above The Market is the command to sell securities or securities above the current market price . 
  • Acceleration Theory is the command to sell securities or securities above the current market price . 
  • Acceptance is agreement to buy or sell securities / contracts specific currency at a specific date and at a specified price in the future . 
  • Account is All accounting records relating to a variety of customer transactions , including credit or debit balance , floating loss / profit and the real value of the book . 
  • Account Balance is the difference between debits and credits in an account . If the debit is greater than the credit , then the account is said to have a negative balance . In other words, the deficit .  
  • While the opposite is called a surplus .An Account Executive is an employee of a brokerage firm / broker dealer firm stock / currency, abbreviated AE. AE Solid submit orders to buy or sell the securities / currency, and are allowed to manage client accounts. In countries that have already developed, AE positions must have a license / certification of local agency national exchanges. 
  • Account Statement is a periodic report describing the status of various transactions to buy / sell securities / contracts currency of a customer . 
  • Accounting Rate of Return is the rate of profit accounting . Income generated during the accounting period divided by the amount of money invested during the same period .
  • Accommodation trading is trading without the counterparty, usually with the help of illegal traders. 
  • Fundamental analysis is the economic and political analysis with the aim of determining the exchange rate in the future . 
  • Technical analysis is a review effort or the price of a currency analysis by using statistical data such as prices that have occurred , the average price , volume , and others . 
  • Appreciation is the strengthening of a currency or stock , due to the positive response from or fever higher than market participants . 
  • Arbitrage is the purchase or sale of stocks / forex / precious metals / bond / or other commodity from one market to another separate but related . Arbitrage opportunity arises when two companies plan to merge or when a contract is transacted in currencies other types of markets , in order to obtain the balance of the value or foreign exchange spot rate through the cross .
  • Bond Arbitrage bonds as minisipal is issued with a view to refinance higher -interest bonds before the bonds may be redeemed . To gain interest , proceeds from the issuance of new securities invested in certain debt securities until the redemption date arrives . 
  • Arithmetic Investing is an investment method that Reduces the risk faced by investors by way of Estimating the rate of profit throughout given time period. 
  • Around is a few points above or below the target price ( price pair ) . For example , when the premium or spot price quotations are willing to buy / sell . The term three - three means around 3 points below or above the desired price . 
  • An Asian Development Bank is an international bank headquartered in the Philippines that helps social and economic growth in Asia by providing loans to poor countries . 
  • Ask Price is the price offers a sales contract currency / stock . 
  • Everything assets owned by the company or individual, of the early buildings, equipment, intangible assets such as patents and reputation. 
  • Asset Allocation is the allocation of investment in various assets to achieve specific objectives such as the level of risk , rates of return, and the potential for appreciation . 
  • Asset Backed Security ( ABS ) are bonds - bonds are secured ( backed up ) by receivables , such as credit cards , car , equipment leasing , unsecured personal loans , home , and other assets that move . These securities are usually designed to obtain a high credit rating . 
  • Asset Play is a securities / shares of interest , because the market price does not reflect the value of its assets . 
  • Asset valuation is the estimated value of an asset that will be the tax base . 
  • At Best is the order to buy a security at the best price available . 
  • At Risk is Possible loss . Investors in a limited partnership (limited partnership) may receive a tax deduction if the rate of profit on their investment is not guaranteed . 
  • Aussie is the other name for the currency pair AUDUSD . 
  • Back Office is a department or division in charge of processing the various matters concerning financial transactions outside the department dealing room . Usually consists of departments settlement , accounting , finance . 
  • Back-end is Right Rights that protects the financial interests of shareholders. This tactic is used by management when the company threatened taken over . If the decision over to buy some shares outstanding success but not able to complete the takeover according to the value offered by the management , the shareholders can redeem right with cash , preferred stock , or other debt securities , so that adverse parties take over . 
  • Bad Debt is Bad loans , or loan receivable balance that bad and then expensed by the company . 
  • Bail Out is a bailout 
  • Balance is Balance 
  • Balance Budget is balanced. Expectations receipt equal to the expected expenditure for a particular periopde . 
  • Balance of Payment Balance of payment is The balance sheet records all international financial transactions of a country dengandasar double-entry bookkeeping . 
  • The components of the current account balance of payments is ( imports and exports of goods and services ) , capital account ( investment mobility ) , and the balance of gold ( gold held mobility ) . Surpluses and deficits addressed in a different account . 
  • Balance of Trade is the value of a country's exports minus imports . 
  • Balance Sheet is Balance, Financial status of a company or an individual at any given time . The components of the balance sheet are assets , liabilities and equity . 
  • Ballooning Deficit Effect is the effect of government deficits soaring to produce a greater effect on the economy . 
  • Bank Guarantee Bank Letter is the Letter of warranty . 
  • Central Bank is a government -owned bank in charge of monetary policy of the country concerned . For example , in the United States called the Federal Reserve , Bank Indonesia in Indonesia . 
  • Syndicate Bank is a banking Syndication . A group of united bank to sell or insure
    emissions of certain securities . 
  • Charts Bar is a bar chart . This type of chart shows the opening price , closing highs, and lows of a currency or stock . The changes in value occur from time to time . Usually used by the dealer / trader in the currency / securities to make forcasting , or the estimated price that might arise in the future . In the analysis of bar charts is also known a variety of patterns ( chart pattern ) that describes what one condition set price at a certain time then anticipated further price movement according to the pattern that has ever happened in the past .
  • Barrels Barrels of Oil is is a standard measure of the volume of crude oil in the international oil trade . One barrel is equal to 42 gallons of oil at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit .
  • Base Currency is in a general sense , it describes a currency that is owned by an investor in the balance sheet. In the currency market , the U.S. dollar as the base currency is normally called to be traded against other currencies . Calculated every one U.S. dollar per currency counterparties . 
  • The exception is the system base currency against the Euro , Pound Sterling , Australian dollar and other currencies are placed upfront dollars , indicating a direct currency into the currency .
  • The base is the difference between the spot price of a commodity with the nearest futures contract price for the same commodity .
  • The Bear Market is a market condition in which prices continue to decline .
  • The term bearish practitioners are money market / stock prices which showed a declining trend .
  • Bid Rate is the price that is desired by the trader to buy a particular currency . 
  • Bond is Bond . Long- term debt securities issued by a company or government , which has an interest rate and a fixed maturity date . The characteristics of these bonds contained in the bond indenture , such as whether the interest and principal will be paid to the person whose name is printed on the bond certificate , or to anyone who holds bonds , bonds which in this case is called the bond bearrer
  • Bottom Price is the lowest price that occurs in a certain time frame . 
  • A condition Botttoming Out ​​is the price of a currency that has long been on the basis of low price , and is expected to be the lowest price the last time , before then the price of the currency back up.
  • Break is a sharp drop in prices and fast . 
  • Breakaway Gap is Fluctuations in the price at which the highest price and lowest price surpassed the previous day price fluctuations and trends are created. For example , a positive trend is expected to appear today if the lowest price is higher than the highest price of the previous day .
  • Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 is a U.S. government regulations that determine the exchange rate of U.S. dollar at a fixed rate against the other major currencies . This agreement expires until 1971 , when the U.S. that President Nixon revoke this system the Bretton Woods agreement and start the world currency market ( FOREX ) with a floating currency system on a variety of major world currencies .
  • Broker is the Broker . Intermediary between buyers and sellers of securities / money market products . Brokers usually charge a commission for each transaction of its customers .
    Bucketing is Directly or indirectly taking the opposite position with customer orders in brokerage accounts .
  • Bull Market is a term used by financial market practitioners to show the trend of rising prices .
    The term practitioners are bullish money market / stock prices which showed a rising trend .
    Bulge is a very rapid increase in prices .
  • Buy ( or sell ) on closed transactions is Doing buy ( or sell ) at the end of the trading session on the closing price .

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We love the world of forex. Sharing information about forex is our way of showing happiness. Therefore we made ​​a "Campus of FOREX" as a portal to learn forex.

Forex is not something to fear, but fear when you are not able to control yourself in the forex or whatever. When profit in forex it becomes your personal responsibility, and when you lose in forex it also becomes your personal responsibility. Forex simply as a facility to achieve financial freedom, no more no less. Forex is a place to think realistically.

Being successful in forex, it means you are committed to establish a disciplined and thoughtful character. Forex may be the best mirror of your true character. Forex is just forex.

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